Yakima - 509.966.2253
Sunnyside - 509.839.2020
Fax - 509.966.3768
Insurance and Payment
Health Insurance for Medical Coverage
While The Eye Center is available to answer questions you may have concerning insurance coverage, it is important to understand that your medical coverage is between you and your health insurance company. You are responsible to be aware of the details of your plan and any copays/deductibles that may be subject to the plans specifications.
Having the specific information required for your insurance plan will facilitate your appointment and allow for a stress free visit upon arrival in our office. Please remember a referral is required from the referring provider for each new patient, but not necessarily from your insurance company. If a referral (or authorization) is required, it will be up to the referring provider to obtain that prior to the visit with our office.
The Responsible Party
If you are the patient but someone else is responsible for the payment of your bill through their insurance policy, this person must either accompany you the the appointment or you must provide their information such as: Date of birth, address, phone number and last 4 of their social security number (for billing purposes only). We will also need the most current copy of the insurance card.
The difference between medical eye care and vision care
Your appointment is considered a medical eye care appointment when you have a specific complaint about your vision that your optometrist cannot facilitate care for. This visit will be billed to the medical portion of your insurance and will be subject to the co-pay, deductible or co-insurance laid out in your specific plan.
We are not currently accepting any vision care plans.
Forms of payment
We accept cash, check, Visa, Master Card or American Express.
All self pay patients are provided a 30% time of service discount but any amount not paid at the time of service will be subject to the full balance and forgo the discounted rate.
Any self pay patients that need to make payment arrangements must do so with the provider at the time of their appointment. Our front office cannot make the arrangements. We apologize for the inconvenience.